Welcome to Along for the Trip! We’re the Buss family, and we’re addicted to travel! Our backgrounds are in education and IT, but our real passion is family travel.
Our kids are 7th and 9th graders and we’re on a mission to show them the world (and see the world through their eyes). Like all families, we have a lot of activities and commitments on our schedules, but we have chosen to make family travel a priority. Join us as we explore and learn together!
We hope that we can offer you some encouragement, share some ideas, and help you realize that traveling with your children is one of the great rewards in life. So grab the kids and get out there and take em’ along for the trip!

A Little About Each of Us

Hi. Or should I say Bonjour! My name is Andrew. I am 12 years old and in the 7th grade. If I had to choose one place, I would pick London, England to be my favorite place that I have been to. It is a historic and ideal place to visit with plenty of things to do. I like traveling in the first place because it is educational and fun. My family mixes it up to where one trip is an amusement park and another is an educational (but still incredibly fun) trip. When I’m not traveling the world, I am playing soccer, doing Boy Scout activities, at school, or at home. I love traveling, but sometimes I just want to be my cat, Minerva (Minnie).

I’m Carrick and I currently do IT work for a local company here in Oklahoma. I’m a musician with a music degree from Oklahoma State University (Go Pokes!), and have always loved the arts and travel. When I was younger, I spent 3 summers touring the US and Canada as part of the Delta Brigade Drum and Bugle Corps. If you haven’t seen any drum corps, check it out! I love airplanes, traveling with my family, drum corps and marching bands, building things, planning trips, museums, mountains, and snow skiing. I am involved in the Boy Scouts of America and am active in Andrew’s Boy Scout Troop. I’m learning to be more social on Twitter and Instagram (a challenge for sure!). I hope you find some inspiration to get out and see the world with your kids. I can be reached at carrick@alongforthetrip.com.

Hi there! I’m Carrie, and I’m an elementary school library media specialist. I’m also an amateur clarinetist (I met Carrick in the OSU band program), and I love to bake and do crafty projects. I have always loved a good road trip, but my trip to Austria with the OSU Wind Ensemble is really what gave me the travel bug. I consider myself a bit of a nervous traveler, and I’m not quite the fan of airplanes that the rest of my family are, but traveling and experiencing the world with them outweighs my little fear of flying. When I’m not thinking about our next trip, I’m often reading, so sometimes I might geek out a little with a post about a literary travel experience. You can e-mail me at carrie@alongforthetrip.com.

Hi! My name is Cadence. I’m 9 years old, and my favorite place has to be Paris, France. Paris has a lot of things to do. They are all fun things. My favorite part about Paris was the Louvre. Although the Louvre. was hot and crowded, it was still fun. We got to see the Mona Lisa. I also like Japan best. When I’m not traveling, I like to dance and read and hold my cat. But I like traveling the best.